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Re: Gear box tunnel padding

To: Zach Zaletel <zzalet@po-box.mcgill.ca>
Subject: Re: Gear box tunnel padding
From: John Suchak <suchak@mediaone.net>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 08:30:27 -0400
It definately is original..  it's been on *every one* of the 5 trans
tunnels that have passed through my hands, in some state of oil-sogged
disrepair.  It's too consistent for it to be a DPO bodge.


Zach Zaletel wrote:
> Scott and Mike and list,
> I think the rockwool and plastic under the cover is original, as it is
> (more or less) still insulating the underside of my cover on my 70 Mk III
> Spit.
> Cheers,
> Zach Zaletel
> http://freespeech.org/zach
> 70 Spit Mk III
> >
> > When I replaced my rather ancient gearbox tunnel the was some rockwool
> > (wall insultation) wrapped in polythene stapled to the old cover, when it
> > was removed the engine sound did increase so I replaced it. Has anyone else
> > come across this, i.e. is it a standard item.
> >
> >  >>
> >
> >My 72 GT6 had the same on its original tunnel cover.  It looked like a home
> >remedy and I've always assumed that a PO had put it in there to reduce
> >heat/noise from the engine room.

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