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Re: The Classing Picture As A Whole

Subject: Re: The Classing Picture As A Whole
From: Scott Meyers <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 17:56:49 -0700
Michael Bullis wrote:

> <<Stock - Pure Stock. Eliminate all modifications currently allowed. Class
> accordingly.>>
> pure stock? who would race here? i know our car was a TOTAL pig before
> making some cheap and allowable changes, i'm sure there are many other cars
> like this.

Then the Street Mod classes would be the place for you, or others with
otherwise uncompetitive cars.

> come on the damage is done - NOBODY is going back to the exact way their car
> came from the factory - I'm not... and I'd rather keep from having to go
> full blown SP if we kill the current stock allowances

Damage? Interesting way to describe the current status.  :-)

Think about the progression. "Stock", Street Mod classes, Street Prepared
classes, Prepared classes, Modified classes. There would be a place for
everyone, *including* those who would like to race a stock car.

Consider that the reason we have the allowances existing now is that there was
no midpoint between Stock and Street Prepared - that's a pretty large jump. I
think this might be the missing piece.

Worth a thought, anyway.



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